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China's Shift Towards Sustainable Consumer Behavior

Updated: Jun 28

In recent years, sustainability has become a significant concern among Chinese consumers, mirroring a global trend towards environmental consciousness. This shift is driven by increasing awareness of severe environmental challenges, such as air and water pollution, which directly impact public health and quality of life. Consequently, consumers are more inclined to support brands committed to sustainable practices, reshaping consumer behavior and making eco-friendly products and practices crucial for businesses aiming to succeed in the Chinese market.

A hand holding up a recycle figure and a light bulb with a green leave

Growing Consciousness

Sustainability awareness among Chinese consumers is on the rise. A survey from McKinsey indicate that 41% of respondents believe low-carbon products can significantly reduce waste, and over 90% show interest in sustainable products. This shift is driven by direct experiences with pollution and environmental challenges, making sustainability a critical concern.

As the graph below shows, leading reasons for choosing sustainable products include better quality, environmental concern, and ensuring a better future for generations. This suggests that Chinese consumers prioritize both the immediate and long-term benefits of sustainable products, focusing on personal health and broader environmental impact.

In clothing purchases, 26% of Chinese consumers consider sustainability very important, while 60% find it somewhat important. This shows a significant market segment actively considering sustainability in their purchasing decisions. Interestingly, China places more importance on sustainability in clothing purchases compared to many Western countries, highlighting a growing trend towards environmental consciousness.

Reasons for Environmental Concern

China's severe pollution problems closely tie into the urgency of sustainability. Direct experiences with air, water, and soil pollution have made environmental issues a daily concern. Air pollution, particularly in urban areas, is a visible and persistent issue affecting millions of people. This constant exposure has heightened public awareness and concern for the environment.

Health impacts of pollution are profound, driving the demand for sustainable products. Chronic respiratory issues, cardiovascular diseases, and other health problems linked to poor air quality are prevalent. Water pollution from industrial waste and agricultural runoff exacerbates health risks by contaminating drinking water. Polluted soil affects food safety, leading to concerns about consuming contaminated produce.

By choosing eco-friendly products, Chinese consumers aim to protect their health and well-being, as well as that of future generations. This personal connection to environmental issues reinforces the demand for sustainable practices and products, pushing brands to adopt and promote eco-friendly solutions.

Understanding Sustainability for Chinese Consumers Sustainability for Chinese consumers is defined by a focus on quality, durability, and products free from harmful chemicals. They prioritize eco-friendly items that enhance personal health and contribute to environmental protection. This approach is not only about being green but also about ensuring better living standards and safety.

The most sustainability-conscious consumers are predominantly Gen Z and residents of Tier 1 and Tier 2 cities. These groups are more likely to prioritize sustainable products, driven by higher awareness and exposure to environmental issues.

The graph below highlights the buyer share of different segments, showing the distribution of sustainability-focused consumers in China.

The graph categorizes consumers into three segments:

  • Eco Actives: These consumers care deeply about sustainability and have taken multiple actions to reduce waste. They represent a significant portion of the market, indicating a proactive approach to environmental issues.

  • Eco Believers: These individuals also care about sustainability but have only taken one or two actions to reduce waste. Their engagement with sustainability is growing, reflecting an evolving commitment.

  • Eco Considers: While they care about sustainability, they have not yet taken any actions. This segment shows the potential for increased engagement with the right incentives and information.

The significant presence of Eco Actives and Eco Believers in China suggests a strong and growing market for sustainable products. This trend highlights the importance of brands aligning with these values to attract and retain customers, particularly among younger, environmentally conscious consumers.

Business and Marketing Focus

The earth surrounded by flowers and with the text "Happy earth day" underneath

For foreign brands in China, adopting sustainable practices is essential. Chinese consumers prioritize sustainability due to significant environmental challenges. Brands that demonstrate genuine commitment to eco-friendly practices resonate better with these consumers.

A prime example is the Starbucks Earth Day campaign. On Earth Day, Starbucks encouraged customers to bring their own cups by offering a free medium Americano. This campaign not only promoted sustainability but also strengthened customer loyalty by aligning with their values.

Embracing sustainable practices provides a competitive edge. Brands that obtain certifications like the China Environmental Label can stand out in a crowded market. These certifications enhance brand credibility, assure consumers of the product's eco-friendly attributes, and significantly influence purchasing decisions.

Leveraging live streaming is another effective strategy. Platforms like Tmall have launched eco-friendly labeling and recycling initiatives. Brands use live streaming to demonstrate sustainability, creating engaging and interactive experiences for consumers. This approach highlights eco-credentials and builds compelling narratives around the brand’s commitment to sustainability.

Effective Marketing Strategies and Addressing Skepticism

Some brands use emotional connections in their marketing to resonate with young consumers. For instance, Purcotton’s “Mountain and Sea Cure Plan” video commercial invites consumers to recycle old clothes and exchange them for environmental protection bags, fostering a deeper connection with sustainability.

However, many Chinese consumers are skeptical of corporate sustainability claims. Emphasizing transparency and traceability in the supply chain can build trust. Highlighting genuine and transparent sustainable practices can reinforce brand credibility and consumer trust.

Leveraging influencers and social media to spread sustainability messages is crucial. Collaborating with influencers who advocate for sustainability can enhance credibility and reach. Platforms like Tmall have launched features such as eco-friendly labeling and recycling initiatives for parcel packaging, and brands use live streaming to demonstrate the sustainability of their products, creating an engaging and interactive experience for consumers.

Local Environmental Concerns

Emphasizing local environmental issues such as specific air and water pollution problems unique to different regions in China can make the sustainability narrative more relatable and urgent for local consumers. This personal connection to environmental issues reinforces the demand for sustainable practices and products, pushing brands to adopt and promote eco-friendly solutions.


In conclusion, sustainability is essential for foreign brands aiming to succeed in China. The significant environmental challenges and heightened awareness among Chinese consumers make sustainable practices a crucial aspect of business strategy. This is not just about corporate social responsibility; it is a concrete business consideration that can enhance brand reputation, attract environmentally conscious consumers, and drive long-term growth. By adopting eco-friendly practices and obtaining relevant certifications, brands can effectively resonate with the values of Chinese consumers and gain a competitive edge in the market.


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